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ICAN Vets, Health Mish Castillo ICAN Vets, Health Mish Castillo

CBD could be useful in the medical treatment of elephants under human care

Medical cannabis can be used in many animals because all vertebrates possess an Endocannabinoid System. Despite its usefulness, it is important that it be prescribed by a veterinarian so that the treatment is tailored to the patient. Surely you have heard that medical cannabis can be used for pets, but it could also be useful for animals in captivity. In the following text, we share with you some results observed after the use of CBD as a medical treatment for Nidia, an elephant in a conservation park in Mexico.

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ICAN Vets Esther Wilding ICAN Vets Esther Wilding

Medical cannabis to treat pain in companion animals

Cannabis has been used as a medicine for more than 5 thousand years. Thanks to research in different disciplines, it is known that the plant was used in ancient cultures such as Chinese, Indian and Egyptian. The use was not only in humans. It was also used on animals. At the beginning of the 20th century it was used on horses and cattle.

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Infographics, ICAN Vets Esther Wilding Infographics, ICAN Vets Esther Wilding

Medical cannabis: a viable alternative to treat epilepsy in animals

Epilepsy is a complex brain disease. It is characterized by abnormality in neuronal networks and manifests itself through seizures, which can be motor, autonomic and/or behavioral. Epileptic seizures are episodic and brief. In most cases it is not clear what triggers them (3).
With a prevalence of 0.62-0.75 % in dogs and 1-3 % in cats (3,9,12), epilepsy is recognized as the most common chronic neurological disorder in these species.

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ICAN Vets Esther Wilding ICAN Vets Esther Wilding

Cannabis intoxication of pets

Medical cannabis for pets is "good in theory," says Dr. Robin Downing, veterinarian and hospital director at the Downing Center for Animal Pain Management in Windsor, Colo. Like us, dogs have cannabinoid receptors, so there is a scientific basis for thinking that cannabis could help them with some of the same ailments we humans suffer from.

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